This application must be completed in detail. Return fully completed form to: Pacific Air CargoP.O. Box 881900 Los Angeles, CA 90009 or Fax to: (310) 645-5290. Application submitted by:
Reference Information
Bank Reference
Pacific Air Cargo trade terms are net payment in full of all invoices within 21 days of the date of billing. All unpaid balances after 30 days are subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month. In the event that it becomes necessary for Pacific Air Cargo to refer an account to a collection agency or attorney to enforce payment, all reasonable legal fees, applicable and allowable service charges will be paid by the Debtor Company.***All contract rates may be rescinded and full tariff may apply to past due invoices.
In order to obtain credit with Pacific Air Cargo (PAC), we must access information from your bank.
By signing below you give PAC authorization to verify your credit rating with your bank.
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